Monday Blues

Monday again? Not feeling the motivation? We hear you. Take it easy on yourself - you’re not alone! We’ve all suffered from Monday-itis, struggling to roll out from under those comfy covers. Even for those of us who love our jobs, after two days of blissful freedom from emails and to-do worklists, Mondays can stir up feelings of mild existential dread.But before any swirling thoughts of buying a lottery ticket and flipping a desk turn into a regrettable reality, we’ve curated a few solid suggestions to keep those Monday Blues at bay.

Finish your Monday morning tasks on Friday

Procrastination is known as the ‘thief of opportunity’ and listen, we’re all guilty of it sometimes, but come Friday avoid it at all costs! Yes, the end of the week is in sight and you’re giddy for the weekend, but if you power through a few more items on the list, it’s gonna help you tenfold in the future. Stay focused and think about what you can tick off the worklist on Friday that will make Monday that bit easier.  

Set Goals 

Set the objective and then do the work. But reward yourself along the way. Having a clear set of priorities to work through will make the tasks ahead way more manageable and little treats thrown in as you go keep the spirits high. For example, saying to yourself you can only have a coffee when you get X, Y, Z done is a great motivator to keep the head down and focus.  

Sleep Is Golden 

One restless night can lead to sluggish mornings and fear when the alarm goes off. Set yourself up for the best possible start to the day with a solid 7-8 hours of sleep. Ditch the phone, Netflix & caffeine before bed and instead catch an early night. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Monday Fun Factor

Beat the Monday blues by planning something fun. It could be dinner with a pal, booking your favourite exercise class or sorting yourself out with a healthy and delicious home cooked meal. Whatever it is, make it happen because fun isn’t just reserved for the weekend. 

Eat Well & Exercise 

Never underestimate the benefits that exercise and eating well can bring to your mental wellbeing. Scheduling a gym session on a Monday evening or going for a good walk can set the tone for the week ahead. The same can be said for embracing a healthy diet – where possible eat more fruit and veg, avoid foods high in refined sugars and knock back the water to stay hydrated and alert. 

WANT MORE MOTIVATION HELP? Check out Louise Quinn’s tips for setting goals here!

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